> 春节2024 > 过年采购食物介绍英文





  • melon seed - 瓜子
  • candy - 糖
  • nut - 坚果
  • rice cake - 年糕
  • jiaozi - 饺子
  • Spring Festival couplets - 春联
  • firework - 烟火
  • maroon - 鞭炮
  • fish - 鱼



  • shopping list - 购物清单
  • a pack of laundry detergent - 洗衣粉一包
  • edible oil - 食用油
  • quick-frozen food - 速冻食品
  • a box of eggs - 鸡蛋一盒


在中国的春节期间,有很多美食。其中一种美食是年糕(Nian Gao)。

北方人喜欢吃饺子(Jiao Zi),而南方人则喜欢吃年糕。年糕是一种以糯米为主要材料制作的甜点,由于其软糯的口感和甜味而受到广泛喜爱。

春节吃的食物 这句话用英语怎么说

How to say \"春节吃的食物\" in English?

We can say \"Spring Festival food\".

For example, last Spring Festival, I didn\'t eat a lot of delicious food.



As you know, the Spring Festival in China is a grand festival, which we Chinese celebrate cheerfully. It is also known as the Chinese New Year and marks the beginning of the lunar calendar. During this festival, families get together to celebrate and wish each other good luck and fortune for the upcoming year.

One of the most important traditions during the Spring Festival is the reunion dinner, also known as the \"年夜饭\" in Chinese. It is a feast where families gather and enjoy a variety of delicious dishes. The dinner usually includes fish, which symbolizes abundance and prosperity, dumplings, which represent wealth and good fortune, and many other traditional dishes.

Another popular tradition during the Spring Festival is the exchange of red envelopes, known as \"红包\" in Chinese. These red envelopes are filled with money and given to children and unmarried adults as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the new year.

In addition to these traditions, fireworks and lantern festivals are also common during the Spring Festival. People light fireworks and lanterns to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. The streets and homes are decorated with red lanterns and festive decorations.

The Spring Festival is a time of joy, family reunions, and cultural traditions. It is a celebration that brings people together and spreads happiness and good wishes for the new year.


How to introduce the reunion dinner in English in a simple way for fourth graders?

The reunion dinner is a special meal that families have during the Spring Festival. It is a time for family members to come together and enjoy delicious food. The dinner usually includes various dishes, such as fish, dumplings, and vegetables. It is a happy and important tradition during the Spring Festival.



How to write a short passage in English introducing a stationery store?

Going to school without being late is very important. We need various stationery items to help us study. Here are some common stationery items:

  • Book - 书本
  • Pen - 笔
  • Pencil - 铅笔
  • Ruler - 尺子
  • Sharpener - 卷笔刀
  • Eraser - 橡皮

These stationery items are essential for students. They help us learn and create. Remember to bring these items to school!

用my favorite food写出一篇80词的短文

How to write a short passage of 80 words using \"my favorite food\"?

One of my favorite foods is tea eggs. They are my best friend for breakfast. Tea eggs are boiled eggs that have been soaked in a mixture of tea, soy sauce, and spices. They have a unique flavor and a beautiful marbled appearance. Every morning, I enjoy the fragrance of tea mixed with the rich taste of the eggs. Tea eggs are not only delicious but also nutritious. They are a great way to start the day!


What are the foods eaten during the Spring Festival? How do you say the names of the foods in English?

During the Spring Festival, people in China enjoy various traditional foods. Some of the common foods eaten during this time include:

  • Spring rolls - 春卷
  • Dumplings - 饺子
  • Wonton - 云吞
  • Sweet soup - 甜汤

These foods are not only delicious but also have cultural significance. They represent good luck, prosperity, and happiness for the new year.




